Onlive Server is a leading provider of affordable VPS hosting. We always provide top-quality services and products, which means we offer the best value for money and reliability in the market today.
Thai VPS Hosting
Thai VPS Hosting is Thailand’s most reliable and affordable 100% VPS hosting provider. We offer top-notch customer support 24/7, making it easy for you to get help whenever needed. You can also use our live chat feature to speak with an expert at any time of day or night.
With our Thai VPS Hosting plan, you can access all servers and bandwidth at a fair price. You won’t have any trouble finding what works best for your site—we offer a wide range of features so that we can make sure every customer gets exactly what they need without having to pay extra for anything extra!
The Latest Technology
You can be sure that the latest technology is available with Onlive Server. The newest technology is a must for any hosting provider, especially one who wants to provide a high-quality service to their clientele.
With Onlive Server, you get the latest technology at an affordable price in Thailand!
Access to all Servers & Bandwidth
All of our servers are located in Thailand . Which means you have the same access to the Internet and network as everyone else. This makes it easy for us to set up a VPS hosting package that meets your needs without extra costs or hassle.
Fast, Cost-effective Web Hosting
Fast servers: We offer fast and reliable hosting services with optimized hardware to meet your needs. Our team of experts can help you choose the best cloud server for your site from our range of VPS hosting packages.
Affordable prices: Our prices are very competitive, so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing quality for affordability! We also offer flexible payment plans that allow you to pay in installments over time, making it even easier on the wallet!
Reliable and affordable 100%
Onlive Server is a reliable and affordable VPS hosting provider. Our servers are 100% uptime, reliable, and secure, and we have customer support. We offer you 100% server performance, speed, and resources. Our servers also have enough space to host your website or blog on the web with no downtime or other issues like loading times slow down or freezing pages . Pages cannot be loaded by search engines after publishing them on our web hosting platform!
Our servers have a free SSL certificate, domain name. You can use a webmail service for your email accounts if you don’t have a mail client installed on your computer. We also offer unmetered bandwidth, unlimited and an auto-installer tool for website building/hosting purposes!
Top-notch customer support 24/7
We provide 24/7 customer support via email, phone, and live chat. Our online ticketing system makes it easy for you to submit any issues or questions in one place so we can address them rapidly!
We also offer social media support on all platforms . Including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as blog articles that will help educate users about what Onlive Server has to offer them (and their businesses).
The fastest servers available in Thailand
We offer top-notch customer support 24/7 and will help you with any technical issue you may encounter. Our 100% guaranteed uptime means that if something goes wrong with your account, we’ll fix it immediately . Our services include: -Fast and stable Internet connection -Uptime guarantee of 100% -Free setup with no hidden costs.
Linux VPS Hosting is a reliable, fast, and stable virtual private server hosting platform with professional technical support and great value for money. We have many advantages, including free lifetime upgrades, attractive billing plans, and flexible contracts with no hidden fees. We also provide 24×7 security monitoring, VPN service, and email helpdesk support.